So here i am blogging again !! BRINGIN IN MY THOUGHTS , YOU are more than welcome to AGREE , DISAGREE OR ARGUE 🙂
I think there would be 101 Myths about yogis .. i will name a few below
1) You Practice yoga every dam day – how can u have body pain ?? 2) You eat CHICKEN ?? :O 3) You PARTY ?? OMG 4) You use slang and bad language ?? 5) YOU have SLEEPLESS NIGHTS ?? :O Really ? 6) You feel STRESSED ?? 7) You don have a Flat stomach yet ?? 8) You do YOGA u should levitate !! 9) Oh YOU DIET ?? 10) YOU are eating CHOCOLATES ???
and the list goes on .. ha ha !!! i find it very funny , i am a normal human being who teaches yoga for living out of passion but i have the same monkey mind , relationship issues , society pressure , routines and bills to pay. i am no SUPER HUMAN but yoga does help me calm down in these tuff situations and solve things with a little more ease 🙂 Fish is my soul food 🙂 i workout so much through the day eating chocolate is my fav thing to do 😉 i love GREENFOOD thats GOODFOOD not a DIET, i do get angry , but i also laugh the next minute !! My DOWNWARDFACINGDOG does create pain in my hamstring even today , but i love the way my body feels after a sweaty practice 🙂 and your mind is directly connected to how your body feels “A HEALTHY BODY LEADS TO A HEALTHY MIND” we all know this 🙂 I had sleeping issues for yrs now its just one of those days.
YOGA is a journey for life there is no achieving a particular state or an end to it , our existence has so much to experience , that a healthy practice opens us to fully experience everything life offers you GOOD or BAD !!
So we YOGIS believe in living life to the fullest so nothing stops us , we probably have the courage to look at fear in the eye and tell ourselves FEAR itself is an assumption and we have the ability to rip open our issues and look at the bottom of it SMILE at it and say damn i got this, we have no limitations we live every moment HAPPY or SAD to the fullest & let it go so that there is more space for the next MOMENT & no IMBALANCE in LIFE
Keep the LOVE spinning !!