Bali YTT Spring 2014
I travelled to Bali , to follow my passion and take it to the next level YOGA 🙂 2nd teacher training with Yogaworks, I stepped in the magic land on 9th april, as we drove to the fairy land i was amused looking the clouds , fresh air and stars. we arrived at PRANA DEWI in jathiluie finally to see Alicia who was my teacher. I was amused to look at the room in between the rice fields with open washrooms ( best washroom ever ) the journey began, as the other 22 students / yogis arrived. We began with waking up at 6 nd meditating followed by lecture on philosophy and a strong yoga class felt like this is why i was there for fancy yoga postures. As the first week passed with similar routine came in the hard times of finding myself , meditating and fighting with my constent mind conversation and silent breakfast , journaling my whole life in front of me, silent nights studying and realising how different life is from how i thought it was. as i processed this and had a flash back of every event in my life , i found this unbelievable Joy within me which came to me naturally as i watched my breath , tasted my food carefully watching every bite and watched the rice fields & the dew drops on the blades of the rice plants. how everything i thought was true about life turned out be absolutely diffent right from the way i look at my self in the mirror.
Before i knew my fav thing to do was to Wacth my breath cause it changed my view towards everything i saw , felt and sensed. Life , situations, family, friends YOGA had a whole new meaning and perspective. i watched my skin glow, my hair thicker , my arms stronger. My prayers were nothing but sending love to everyone i knew nd i dint know.
I prayed and set intentions for everyday nd my practice basically to send love to my close once and my Yoga bubble. I found myself fold hands in front of me as i prayed to hav kind thoughts, kind words and and kind intentions which made me smile. I questioned myself every time i observed judging , being jealous , careless, angry & assumed i asked myself if ” its true , is it necessary, is it kind “ before i knew my thought process changed and let go of the thoughts i had. The smiles every morning , hugs during silent times, quiet tears, Joy which did not need much of an effort in anyway, break throughs , breaking habits Physically, Spiritually, emotionally and intellectually, every time Nassi ( the cutest dog on our journey ) was slide on the yoga floor nd fall. as olivia( alicias daughter, absolutely adorable ) laughed nd smiled or hugged u. the beauty of rains every evening was such a breath taking and true experience, every moment had so much joy and happiness.
My most inspiring teachers Alicia and Oliver, took care of us like we belonged to them and knew them forever.. they knew what exactly each one of needed on this journey in every way, they laughed with u, stood by u when u had tears and had magical answers for every situation and question . If i have to say anything about their teachings , i was blessed to have them it could not get better. The Beautiful bubble ( i mean the 22 yogis ) i had something to learn from everyone it was just so right , we came together like a puzzle which had the perfect solution. i love all of them and miss them to bits 😦
As i type this in the middle of Bali sitting at table watching Dani glance through our pictures. I am Ready to take this whole experience to spread in my life and the people around me.
I am not sad its over.. i am glad this happened…!!! ❤ ❤
“Keep the love spinning” – Yashu